Year 6


Mrs Lindsay
Mrs Ball
Miss Manning
Teacher and AHT

Welcome to Year Six

Latest News

If you were unable to attend our 'Meet the Teacher' session, please click on the link to access the presentation used: Curriculum Presentation to Parents
A reminder that Year 6 have PE every Thursday - please ensure your child comes to school in the correct PE kit and footwear. 
If your child walks home alone or brings a mobile phone to school, please ensure the forms have been completed and sent to school via Arbor. 

Important Dates: 
Tuesday 28th January - Year 6 height and weight check (school nurses)
Monday 3rd February - Year 6 forest school
Tuesday 4th February - Year 6 trip to St John's Church and Masjid Usman Mosque
Thursday 13th February - Values assembly in Church
Monday 24th March - Year 6 extra PE
Thursday 10th April - values assembly in Church


During our English lessons throughout the Spring term, Year Six will be using a range of video stimuli to inspire narrative writing based around the Second World War. The children will be exposed to a range of figurative language and emotive vocabulary alongside a breadth of key skills required from the genre. The children will write a flashback narrative capturing the perspective of a young soldier during the D-Day landings and the intense brutalities from the battle on the beaches. Additionally, they will compose a heartfelt letter to a loved one, written from the battlefield.
Throughout all lessons, we will continue to reinforce and develop the use of accurate punctuation and grammar alongside a focus upon the Year 5/6 statutory spelling list. 


During the Spring term, Year Six will study the texts 'Letters from the Lighthouse' by Emma Carroll and 'Skellig' by David Almond. Throughout both texts, we will focus upon the core reading skills of vocabulary, inference, predicition, explanation, retrieval and summary. We will also discuss the increasingly mature themes of both texts which include: family and belonging, the impacts of war, tolerance and prejudices, courage and resilience, compassion and healing and life, death and renewal. 
The children will also take home their own reading book from school based upon their ZPD level. We encourage the children to read every day, whether this be independently or through shared experiences, across a range of text types to support their confidence, fluency and exposure to vocabulary. 


As a school, we follow the Power Maths scheme and the units we cover are outlined in our curriculum overview. These units support the children in developing problem solving and reasoning skills as well as the ability to explain and justify their answers using manipulatives where necessary. In addition to this, we complete weekly arithmetic practice, rapid recall of key mathematical information, daily 5 in 5 (five questions to test the retrieval of mathematical learning) and TTRockstars to help build confidence, fluency and accuracy within the subject. 


During the Spring term, the children will study a variety of units in our wider curriculum which are outlined in our curriculum overview. 

Art - the children will delve into the work of Henry Moore, drawing inspiration from his evocative depictions of civilians sheltering in the Underground during the Blitz. They will experiment with the wax resist technique to reimagine and recreate his powerful artwork. 
History - the children will explore the key events of World War II, examine significant historical figures and compare the principles of democracy with the realities of dictatorship. They will gain insight into the hardships faced by Jewish people under Nazi rule, understand the experiences of evacuated children, and critically analyse the influence and impact of wartime propaganda.
Geography - our Geography unit will explore the differences between renewable and non-renewable energy, with a particular emphasis on Russia and its trade links with other countries. The unit will culminate in a thought-provoking debate addressing the enquiry question: ‘Should Europe rely on Russia for its energy?’
Design and Technology - we will explore 3D frameworks, examining the differences between permanent and portable structures, before designing and constructing our own frame structure.


Class Overview Document

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