Year 4
Latest News for Year 4
- 4M received the award for best attendence for week beginning 30.9.24, 7.10.24 and again for week beginning 13.1.25 - Well done.
- 4T received the award for best attendence for week beginning 21.10.24 - well done
- We have a book club session every Wednesday, children can bring books from home for the session but please do write your child's name inside the book.
- Year 4 have PE every Friday - - please ensure your child comes to school in the correct PE kit and footwear. If you are unsure on the PE uniform, it can be found on the tab 'Uniform'.
- If you were unable to make it to our curriculum meeting, please click on the link at the side to access the presentation used
- Swimming is spring term and summer term on a Tuesday. NO JEWELLERY TO BE WORN. Long hair to be tied back. Children need swim wear and a towel. 4M to swim every Tuesday from 10.6.25 and 4T to swim every Tuesday from 25.2.25 to 3.6.25
- Children can access homework which is updated every Monday on LBQ - When they log into the account they need to click on independent study and access a code: 4M - 5z 52 ju gz 4T - z8 37 fe 6n. The children have received cards with these codes on them and they are stuck into spelling books.
Important Dates
Monday 7th April - forest school
Thursday 10th April - Values assembly in church
Friday 11th April - Break up for Easter
Monday 28th April - Return to school and bring hardboiled decorated egg into school for competition
Monday 19th May - Inset day
During our English lessons throughout the Summer term, Year Four will be focusing on persuasive writing in an advert and an autobiography in non-fiction writing and an adventure story in fiction writing.
Throughout all lessons, we will continue to reinforce and develop the use of accurate punctuation and grammar alongside a focus upon the Year 3/4 statutory spelling list (which can be found in the documents). Chlidren can log onto spelling shed at home to practise their spellings
During the Summer term, Year Four will study the text 'Land of Roar' by Jenny McLachlain. We will focus upon the core reading skills of vocabulary, inference, predicition, explanation, retrieval and summary.
The children will also take home their own reading book from school based upon their ZPD level. We encourage the children to read every day, whether this be independently or through shared experiences, across a range of text types to support their confidence, fluency and exposure to vocabulary.
As a school, we follow the Power Maths scheme and the units we cover are outlined in our curriculum overview. These units support the children in developing problem solving and reasoning skills as well as the ability to explain and justify their answers using manipulatives where necessary. In addition to this, we complete a daily 5 in 5 (five questions to test the retrieval of mathematical learning) and TTRockstars to help build confidence, fluency and accuracy within the subject.
During the Spring term, the children will study a variety of interesting units in our wider curriculum which are outlined in our curriculum overview.
Art - the children will create sculptures in the style of Henry Moore.
History - we will study the Victorians
Geography - the children will study the country of Canada
Design and Technology - the children will design and make a torch
Science - the children study electricity and food chains
Please read with your child daily if you can, if not at least 3 times a week.
Please take time to help your child learn the spellings that are sent home weekly.
Please encourage your child to complete TT Rockstars daily in preparation for the national multiplication check, which they will complete in June.