Our Faith
Let us love... Let us thrive...
St James C E Primary School is a good Church of England School. All staff and Governors aim to make the school a place where Christian love and commitment are expressed in everyday life. We are and strive to be a happy and safe Christian school setting where everyone is valued and works in partnership to develop their full potential.
Through our Christian vision and values, we aim to make an important contribution to community cohesion and a more equable and tolerant society. The Christian ethos of the school and the values for which we stand are apparent in every aspect of school life. The school bears in mind that England is a multi-cultural nation and other faiths are embraced and we also welcome those with no faith.
Christianity will receive the appropriate weighting within the religious education curriculum. Respect, tolerance and understanding for the beliefs of others are promoted as part of our curriculum.
We have Ethos Ambassadors in school so children can take an active role in evaluating the religious ethos themselves and actively engage in whole school development.