Year 3
Latest News
- If you were unable to make it to our curriculum meeting, please click on the link to the side to access the presentation used.
- A reminder that Year 3 have PE every Wednesday - please ensure your child comes to school in the correct PE kit and footwear. If you are unsure on the PE uniform, it can be found on the tab 'Uniform'.
- After half-term we will have a book club session every Wednesday, children can bring books from home for the session but please do write your child's name inside the book.
- This half term's values homework is on the value of endurance please return the completed homework to the class teacher. The piece of work is to illustrate the value of endurance in any form you wish such as story, art work, poem, practical task
Important Dates
Friday 20th December - last day of term CHILDREN TO WEAR PE KITS AND CAN WEAR A SANTA HAT OR CHRISTMAS HEADWEARTuesday 7th January - children return to school
Pupils will study a variety of different genres of writing ncluding non-chronological reports, instructions and stories. We will be working on practicing weekly spellings from the Year 3/4 National Curriculum lists. We will continue to reinforce and develop the use of good punctuation throughout all subjects.
The children will take home individual books, which are at their individual reading level. During their whole class reading lessons children will read a variety of texts. They will work at developing their ability to retrieve, summarise and infer information from the text as well as widening their vocabulary.
We follow Power Maths at St James. See the curriculum map for units covered.
In addition to this, we do times tables daily focusing during year 3 on the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables.
Please read with your child daily if you can, if not at least 3 times a week.
Please take time to help your child learn the spellings that are sent home weekly.
Please encourage your child to complete TT Rockstars daily in preparation for the national multiplication check, which they will complete in Year 4.