Christian Vision and Values
Let us love… Let us thrive…
Our school prayer states…
Let us love and let us care.
Let our community spirit thrive.
With love for God and love for other people.
Let all our hearts come together to make our school the best it can be.
This school prayer was written by a former pupil many years ago but is still relevant today as we provide a school where our young people can learn, care and love. We have a desire to create an environment where our school values of FRIENDSHIP, RESPECT, ENDURANCE, HONESTY and PEACE surrounded by LOVE, are an outward sign of our school vision.
Our School vision is focussed on how Jesus treated other people, with true love, respect and dignity, the epistle of James states, “Love your neighbour as you love yourself.” If you really keep that law, you are doing what is right. (James 2v8). This is the second commandment Jesus gave after he said we should love God with all our heart, it is God’s imperative that we love him and love others. Through our learning and our achievements both in school and beyond we want everyone to see their innate value to God and to others. When we love and value our own worth and achievements, we should be able to value the same worth and achievements of others, this reflects our school values of friendship, respect and peace. We celebrate together and support each other.
We want our school community to thrive; we want it to be a place of learning, where through honesty, hard work and endurance we all acquire knowledge and skills in order to reach our potential. Again the epistle of James states “But the wisdom that comes from heaven is pure… it loves peace. It thinks about others. It obeys, it is full of mercy and good fruit. It is fair. It doesn’t pretend to be what it is not.” (James 3 v17). This is the wisdom that we want all stakeholders to take away with them so that our community can flourish in new, different and better ways. We are creating an environment that continually permeates and positively changes the lives of the pupils and families we serve. Our schools Christian vision is about creating a place of radical hospitality, creating a good welcome for all, enabling pupils and adults to flourish regardless of their starting point. We are about caring for and walking alongside families as they deal with the challenge of life, holding their hands when needed; practically and emotionally supporting and caring for our community.
Our strong links with our local church provide regular Christian input and help in creating an environment that is aware of the church year’s patterns and that partnership contributes to the flow of worship and devotion to God.
Our School Vision sets in place our desire to love and thrive, our school prayer is our daily petition for help to achieve the school values we have in place, so that we can be a community rooted in the love of God where we go out from our school into our local, national and international communities to make a difference and contribute positively to society.
School Values:
- Respect
- Honesty
- Peace
- Friendship
- Endurance
- Love