After School Clubs
We are very proud of the wonderful choice of after school clubs that are provided for our children at St James. The children have the opportunity to take part in a wide range of activities including anything from gymnastics, cookery to languages. Our aim is to make sure that the children are able to extend their learning into different areas and have lots of fun in the meantime!
Children will receive a letter each half-term about the latest after school clubs on offer. All you need to do is complete the Expression of Interest form indicating which club(s) your child would like to attend and return it to school. Letters are sent out at the end of each half term letting parents know which club(s) their child has been offered. Payment is made via ParentPay before clubs commence - PLEASE NOTE, it is important that payment is received by the due date given to you as registers close on this date.
Clubs begin at the end of the school day and will normally run until 4.30pm.
Please note: during the COVID 19 pandemic, access to clubs has been disrupted.