Our Governors
- Name
- Role
- Mr Daniel Heather
- Headteacher
- Mrs Amy Jordan
- Vice Chair/Foundation Governor
- Mrs Dawn McNeill
- Co-opted Governor (Community)
- Mr Christopher Sale
- Ex-officio Foundation/Chair of Governing Body
- Mrs Pascaline Piot-Willimott
- Parent Governor
- Miss Madeleine Saunders
- Co-opted Governor (Community)
- Miss Terri Bunting
- Parent Governor
- Mrs Leah Dearn
- Staff Governor
- Vacancy
- Parent Governor
- Ms Tracy Hubball
- LA Governor
- Ms Geeta Thabal
- Clerk
Terms of Reference - 2024/25Download
Governing Body Register of Interests 2024/25Download
Governor Attendance - 2023/24Download
Governor Attendance - 2022/23Download
Governing Body Register of Interests 2023/24Download
Terms of Reference - 2023/24Download
Terms of Reference - 2022/23Download
Governing Body Register of Interests 2022/23Download
Governor Attendance 21-22Download
Governor Attendance 20-21Download
Governor Attendance 2019/2020Download
Governing Body Register of Interests 2020/21Download
Terms of Reference - September 2021Download
Governor Meeting DatesDownload
Governor Attendance 2017/2018Download
Governor Attendance 2018/2019Download
Instrument of GovernanceDownload